s we do
the pre-flight walk around , and inspect
the wing underside we rarely give a second glance at the canoe shaped
flap track fairings under the wings. Some are slender but many appear somewhat oversized
to accommodate just the flap fairings.
Or do they serve some other function?

The physics of airflow alteres violently as it expands from subsonic to
supersonic speeds. As the aircraft passes through the transonic speed range, local
airflow approaches sonic speeds over the wing and body of the aircraft and leads
to the formation of shock waves and consequent large increase in drag.
At transonic speeds, it was found, that the time-honoured principle that
the drag of the individual elements of an airplane could be added in a linear
manner to give the approximate drag of the entire configuration could no longer
be relied upon.
Researches by Dietrich Kuchemann in the UK and Richard Whitcomb of NASA ,
in early 1950s, established that this wave drag can be minimised by a fuselage
wing configuration synthesis, where the cross sectional area changed smoothly
along the length of the aircraft. Known as the Area Rule, its basic tenet postulates
that the wave drag of a simple equivalent body of revolution would be the same
as a more complex wing body arrangements.
Initial application of area rule designs
can be seen in the “Coke Bottle” or “Marylin Monroe” indented fuselage
body shapes to reduce the effect of the presence of wings as in F-102 and F-106
aircraft. This, however had practical limitations and alternate efforts to
address the local discrepancies in cross sectional areas led to the concept of attaching
conical and pod shaped bodies along the wing , nacelle and fuselage. First successful
application of this principle to combat wave drag effects was in Convair- 990. Following applications of
the local area rule, several pylon, nacelle, and wing fairings were embodied,
to smooth out the area distribution and facilitated in raising the cruise speed
from 0.8M for the basic aircraft to 0.89 M for the modified airframe.
These anti shock bodies christened as ‘Whitcomb After-bodies’ or ‘Kuchemann’s
Carrots’ are widespread in today’s designs.