Saturday, April 21, 2012


G R Mohan | 2:44 PM | | | Best Blogger Tips
The space shuttle Enterprise is scheduled to , on 23 Apr 12, fly low over New York city mounted atop a modified Boeing 747. The flight is scheduled to take place between 0930 and 1130 AM, weather and other conditions permitting. The low altitude flight over the Hudson river will  bring it the past the Statue of Liberty . After landing at JFK, the shuttle will be transferred aboard a barge for a second trip along the  Hudson to its new home at the Intrepid Sea, Air and space Museum.

National geographic is hosting online a ‘gigapan” views featuring ultra-high resolution pictures of the orbiter. The interface allows visitors  a chance to view  and virtually wander unobstructed across the space station, in detail, no fee required.


G R Mohan | 12:26 PM | | Best Blogger Tips

It is the Orwellian era. Although some thirty years have passed since the gloomy scenario portrayed by George Orwell in 1984, the mushrooming presence of surveillance cameras and security procedures have invaded our privacy to an extent never foreseen by the author. With the increase in security threats due to religious and ethnic terrorism, we have all but acquiesced ourselves to this privacy invasion with mute protests.
A new entrant in the surveillance area is the UAVs. After having been successfully deployed over the mountains of Afghanistan to counter the Al Qaeda threat, the US government is mulling over the feasibility and acceptability of a programme that would allow unmanned aircraft to fly beside commercial planes in the US airspace.

Friday, April 20, 2012


G R Mohan | 5:11 PM | | | | Best Blogger Tips

The Sterile Cockpit Rule is a regulation requiring pilots to refrain from non-essential activities during critical phases of flight, normally below 10,000 feet. The FAA imposed the rule in 1981( and adopted by most regulatory bodies) after reviewing a series of accidents that were caused by flight crews who were distracted from their flying duties by engaging in non-essential conversations and activities during critical parts of the flight. One such notable accident was Eastern Air Lines Flight 212, which crashed just short of the runway at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport in 1974 while conducting an instrument approach in dense fog. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) concluded that a probable cause of the accident was distraction due to idle chatter among the flight crew during the approach phase of the flight.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


G R Mohan | 1:47 AM | | | | | Best Blogger Tips

As we move towards an era of diverging job functions assigned to cabin crew and flight crew, a single barrier that catalyses this divide is the cockpit door.  Increasingly, this door has served to alienate and undermine the bonding that existed between the two sets of operating crew on board. During pre-flight briefing we go through the motions of communication and cockpit access protocol during normal and conditions where security of the cabin is breached.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Srinivas Rao | 12:23 AM | | | | Best Blogger Tips

Bombardier Cseries

With the rapid advancement of technology, automation in cockpits have made rapid strides and have successfully made tasks of pilots easier.Crew of the modern generation aircraft have had to put considerable effort and time in trying to understand the automation modes and remain engaged appropriately. As much as comfort the flight crews would derive in normal flight operation with the automation,the questions that all of us pilots tend to ask ourselves is what would be one's reaction if it were to degrade or fail totally. That brings out various scenarios and challenges in dealing with the failures.